Silent Pool Distillery

    • Shere Rd, Albury,
    • Guildford
    • GU5 9BW
    • United Kingdom

The Silent Pool Distillery is located in the Duke of Northumberland’s Albury Estate in the Surrey Hills, in converted farmhouse buildings next to the picturesque Silent Pool. This lake has a rich history – the site of the tragic drowning of a woodcutter’s daughter in local mythology and, when Agatha Christie disappeared in 1926 and her car was discovered nearby, it was rumoured that she had drowned in the Silent Pool.

In 2013, drinks expert James Shelbourne, former ITV director Ian McCulloch and accountant Steven Kavanagh decided to create their own gin. Inspired by the fusion of place and spirit achieved by many Scottish craft whisky and gin distillers, they located their distillery in a converted farmyard barn next to the historic Silent Pool.


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